Collecting and fixing pet peeve bugs

n0dalus n0dalus+redhat at
Sat Aug 5 10:38:54 UTC 2006

On 8/5/06, John Ellson <ellson at> wrote:
> All I want to do is to paste a file path from a shell window to get an
> attachment added
> to a mail item.    Navigating the graphical file requestor to the file
> is incredibly
> painful over a slow X-remote session.

I don't think there would be any opposition to detecting paste events
on the file selector and opening the text input with the pasted path.
You should file a bug about it (be as civil as possible -- the GNOME
devs probably won't appreciate another 'file selector sucks' report).

Btw, the '/' key is what is usually used to open the text input - it's
not too hard to use.


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