Easy Fedora 2

Chris Adams cmadams at hiwaay.net
Fri Dec 1 21:46:28 UTC 2006

Once upon a time, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at fedoraproject.org> said:
> Claiming that we need to address them without providing a good way to 
> solve that while not compromising on our principles is not a solution. 
> If you have a good way to enhance the desktop experience without 
> including or supporting non-free software, feel free to suggest that.
> Its also important to recognize that non-free software often has 
> practical limitations of not being ported across all the architectures 
> that Fedora supports and we dont have a good way to fix problems that 
> arise out of it.

Is there any possibility of shipping the things that are legal and do
work across platforms: firmware?  For example, I have an Intel wireless
card that uses the ipw2200 driver and firmware.  I know there was
discussion from (IIRC) OpenBSD with various vendors about the licenses
for firmware distribution; did any of that go anywhere?

What is the Fedora Project's stand on firmware distribution?

Could there at least be a pointer included somewhere for where to get
firmware?  Unlike some other additional software, it is legal to
distribute the Intel firmware for example (at least the way I read the
license).  Maybe there could be a "non-free" that includes software that
is legal but under more restrictive licenses (there aren't many things
that fall in that category).

Chris Adams <cmadams at hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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