Sessions and how to get rid of the RHN alert icon

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Sat Feb 4 22:24:14 UTC 2006

Le samedi 04 février 2006 à 17:10 -0500, Ivan Gyurdiev a écrit :
> I've heard this argument many times: "Windows starts up faster, then 
> takes too long to load the systray applets, hence Linux is faster
> ". I haven't used Windows in a while, but my Linux experience is not 
> very positive when it comes to applets - GNOME takes a long time to load 
> them, and until they're all loaded the panel is unusable. Since all my 
> startup icons are on the panel, I can't launch any applications. How is 
> this any different?

My pet hate is gnome components (applets included) which load before
parsing their gconf info, then realise they assumed the wrong settings
and refresh two seconds later. (an easy way to reproduce this is to use
different font settings - dpi, name, size than the system settings)

The worst part are dialogs where buttons shift when the refresh occurs
(gnome notices font settings are different - enlarges dialog - buttons
are right-aligned and move right). Sometimes bad timing means one button
is replaced by another while I'm clicking it (and remember the "safe"
choice is the right one so when the ui move right the safe button is
almost always replaced by a more dangerous one)

Nicolas Mailhot
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