Question about Fedora Extras 5

Karanbir Singh mail-lists at
Thu Feb 2 13:39:19 UTC 2006

n0dalus wrote:
> Atleast how I would imagine it is: The installer would ask you to
> provide any additional CDs if you need to at the end of the install,
> and would update any available packages from the CDs, whether they be
> extras or core or third party.

the ideal situation would be if the installer could ask 'before' the 
install if you have any other Cd's around. And just install the updated 
packages in the first place. Rather than needing to install the 'usual 
stuff' and then having to run an update.

and I believe some work is being done along these lines already.

- KB

Karanbir Singh : : 2522219 at icq

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