edit root alias when installing the OS

Michael A. Peters mpeters at mac.com
Sun Jan 8 06:09:57 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 13:21 +1030, n0dalus wrote:

> I think the current system is fine as it is -- I don't see why some
> people are so keen on removing the root password.

If I were modifying Fedora for desktop users (and I don't think this is
a safe general default - but if say I was Dell or someone selling Linux
for the Desktop based on Fedora) - I would make the following change -

I would make an option to add the firstboot user to the wheel group.
The gui sysconfig-* tools (with perhaps a few exceptions) - if the tool
is requested by the pam_console user AND the user is a member of the
wheel group, that would be sufficient authentication to run the tool
without root password.

I would not do it for the user administration tool, however - I would
still require root password to manage system users. But sound card
detection, network device configuration, Printing, etc. - that's how I
would do it. It doesn't require use of sudo, or use of the command line
at all.

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