FC6 and cdburning

Leszek Matok Lam at Lam.pl
Sat Jul 29 14:20:48 UTC 2006

Dnia 29-07-2006, sob o godzinie 09:40 -0400, Jesse Keating napisał(a):
> Its different by manufacturer which is why we can't just 
> say 'these commands are safe for all devices', it has to be on a per-device 
> level and the kernel currently can't handle that.  Needs to be fixed in the 
> upstream kernel.
This way the kernel has to be taught which device is a burner, have an
API to switch modes (or transparently sniff SCSI commands to know which
mode the burner is in) and for every burner model has big lists of
commands allowed in each of its modes of operation.

We all know cdrecord already knows or pretends to know what to say to
which device. Did it EVER make a burner explode or something? (The
Mandrake thing with LG/Lite-On was about CD-ROM-s and kernel, not

I have ATA DVD-ROM and SCSI CD-R in this FC5 machine. The kernel doesn't
say anything in dmesg about my burner being a burner, but hal knows that
(lshal says storage.cdrom.cdr = true).

It's possible to give cdrecord some specific selinux attributes (type?).
Maybe it would be possible to give this process full access to devices
with some other specific attribute. The script which takes lshal's
output and does some chcon on every burner device is trivial, probably a
patch to udev would be better (I'm not into its workings) and can be

This way we can be sure cdrecord is not allowed to send any commands to
devices not being CD burners, but is allowed to do anything it wants
with the burners. What can happen? FLASH FIRMWARE? Come on, we're
talking about cdrecord and its privileges, not any other process in the
system. I trust cdrecord to the point of making it suid root (thanks for
making it work in updates-testing for FC5, BTW), I'd trust it even more
when it runs with user right + the right to send whatever it wants to
the only burner in my computer.

So the question is: can it be done with SELinux?

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