FC more FHS clashes (was: BIND and FHS)

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 16:46:05 UTC 2006

On 3/7/06, Tomasz Kłoczko <kloczek at zie.pg.gda.pl> wrote:
> So in this kind buggy programs we have some additional subclass :>
That is a matter of opinion, and I happen to disagree. But if you
think these applications are buggy.. please by all means contact the
upstream developers and provide patches to remove all references to
/var/spool/mail. If balsa is checking both /var/mail and
/var/spool/mail locations then its probably not a fedora specific
issue and is something you should take to the upstream balsa
developers and have them strip the references to /var/spool/mail from
the upstream codebase if you feel balsa is buggy.

Similiarly with each and every application which you have found. Since
you took the time to hunt this sort of stuff down, I'd hate for the
upstream projects, and thus all the other distributors, to not benefit
from your extraordinary efforts.

> Don't try look on stupid examples ;>

My examples can be no better than your original short list. Perhaps
this whole issue is stupid and not worth discussing at all.  Either
way, I expect you to follow up with the upstream developers for each
of the applications you think are buggy and submit patches.

> Try answer on some very basig/elementar questio like: if some programs
> uses only one location (with full success) why some other tries be "more
> smarter" ? :)

These are questions you need to ask the upstream developers of each
affected program, not me nor the fedora maintainers of these packages.
If you need help figuring out how to contact each upstream project so
you can attempt to get these potential issues corrected, I'm sure that
could be arranged.

Have a nice day


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