Today' rawhide update

Dennis Gregorovic dgregor at
Fri Mar 24 05:36:42 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 18:40 +0100, David Nielsen wrote:
> Is it just me or did we not get a rawhide update today?
> - David

The normal cron job was busted last night.  After some investigation, I
fixed the problem and then ran it by hand.  So, the packages and
metadata on d.f.r.c should have the latest stuff.  However, I didn't see
the rawhide-report email come through.  Maybe it's stuck in mailman?

Also, last night's rawhide issue caused install images to not get
created, but they *should* be there tomorrow.  (Well, about two hours
from now at this point)

-- Dennis

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