Fedora Core package cleanup project

Aurelien Bompard gauret at free.fr
Sat May 13 08:36:13 UTC 2006

Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 14:54 -0700, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
>> Is this cleanup just targeted at getting things to build in mock for
>> now or should other points on the packaging guidelines also be filed if
>> noticed?
> JUST BuildRequires please.  This will make it much easier to validate
> the patches coming in.  This is the first step in a longer process.

When you want to discover other missing points in the packaging guidelines,
I have written a small script to automate these QA checks. It tries to be
the "rpmlint" of Fedora Extras packages (but it only operates on srpms)
You'll find a more detailed description on my wiki page:

It still gives a lot of false positives, but it can be helpful (at least it
was helpful to me)

If you use it, let me know if there are things to improve.

http://aurelien.bompard.org  ~~~~  Jabber : abompard at jabber.fr
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves
on a rainy Sunday afternoon." -- Susan Ertz

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