FC5 kickstart buggered?

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Tue May 2 18:54:18 UTC 2006

I was trying to come up with a ks.cfg that I could use to image laptops
out here, but after entering a basic configuration with 
and trying to click on Preview, I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/system-config-kickstart/kickstartGui.py", line 293, in on_activate_preview_options
    if self.getAllData() != None:
  File "/usr/share/system-config-kickstart/kickstartGui.py", line 237, in getAllData
    if self.basic_class.formToKsdata(doInstall) is None:
  File "/usr/share/system-config-kickstart/basic.py", line 202, in formToKsdata
    self.ksdata.rootpw["password"] = pure
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pure' referenced before assignment

looking at the source, I see:

        if self.encrypt_root_pw_checkbutton.get_active() == True:
            pure = self.root_passwd_entry.get_text()

            salt = "$1$"
            saltLen = 8

            if not pure.startswith(salt):
                for i in range(saltLen):
                    salt = salt + random.choice (string.letters + string.digits + './')

                self.passwd = crypt.crypt (pure, salt)

                temp = unicode (self.passwd, 'iso-8859-1')
                self.ksdata.rootpw["isCrypted"] = True
                self.ksdata.rootpw["password"] = temp
                self.ksdata.rootpw["isCrypted"] = True
                self.ksdata.rootpw["password"] = pure
            self.passwd = self.root_passwd_entry.get_text()
            self.ksdata.rootpw["password"] = pure

and indeed "pure" hasn't been set down this path.  Does it just need
to be moved outside the "if"?  And is this a known issue?

Anyone work on kickstart upstream that could file a bug if one hasn't
been already?


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