SUG: RPM database verification / repair, nightly and in Anaconda

Tony Nelson tonynelson at
Mon Nov 20 19:35:58 UTC 2006

At 4:38 AM -0800 11/20/06, Otto Rey wrote:

>From: Sam Varshavchik <mrsam at>
>Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:50:09 PM
>>Tony Nelson writes:
>>> I propose that there should be a nightly cron task to check the RPM
>>I proposed this several years ago, and got poo-poohed.
>>I now just have a cron.daily script that just makes a copy of /var/lib/rpm
>>on a five day rotation.
>This sound good, but first we need to detect why rpms database got corrupted.

First?  Do both at the same time!  I'm verifying the database while other
people are working on the RPM bugs.  Plus, knowing more about the
corruption would provide useful data to the effort to fix it.
TonyN.:'    The Great Writ     <mailto:tonynelson at>
      '      is no more.             <>

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