gstreamer-plugins-good and (the lack of) taglib

Bob Richmond bob at
Tue Nov 21 04:32:09 UTC 2006

The gstreamer-plugins-good package in core is missing taglib support, 
but the source package will happily build it if you happen to have the 
taglib-devel package from Extras installed when you build the 
gstreamer-plugins-good package, but the resulting RPM won't be created 
because the resulting new library file isn't included in the files list.

I've attached a patch that will explicitly require taglib as a 
BuildRequires and include in the file list so that the 
standard package has taglib support.

Having taglib support in the plugins package means you can install the 
gstreamer-plugins-ugly package from (eg) Livna, and be able to include ! 
id3v2mux in the gstreamer pipeline, and actually have it output an MP3 
with proper ID3 tags.

The only problem I can think of in introducing this patch is the 
dirtiness of making a package from Extras be a build requirement of a 
package in core. Is this generally frowned upon?
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