rawhide report: 20061116 changes

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Fri Nov 17 10:00:31 UTC 2006

On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 10:44:55AM +0100, Matthias Saou wrote:
> Which means that if gnome-sudoku ever gets split back out, we're in
> trouble. Not to mention that it's a clear "loop" which modern tools
> have luckily been taught to break.
> Provides: gnome-sudoku = last_known_version-release+2
> Obsoletes: gnome-sudoku <= last_known_version-release+1
rpmlint warns about these, so package maintainers should be aware of these.
At least no package should pass review with this issue. I hope that one
day all the core package (and packages which entered extra a long time
ago) pass a review, such that those kinds of issues are fixed once, instead
of being fixed one by one.


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