That much dependences ? (rssowl hell)

Andrew Overholt overholt at
Thu Nov 23 01:48:59 UTC 2006

* Thomas Canniot <thomas.canniot at> [2006-11-22 16:51]:
> [root at localhost ~]# yum install rssowl
> [...]
>  eclipse-platform        i386       1:3.2.1-4.fc6    core

This is because RSSOwl itself isn't technically an Eclipse RCP app.  If it
were, a lot of those dependencies would go away.  I know Ben Pasero, the
upstream author, had been working on not using stuff that wasn't part of
JFace (and thus part of the RCP definition) so perhaps we should see if
that bore any fruit.

Please file a bug to investigate whether or not we still require the
platform dep.


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