Static linking considered harmful

Andrew Haley aph at
Fri Nov 24 10:09:58 UTC 2006

Erik van Pienbroek writes:
 > Op donderdag 23-11-2006 om 17:07 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef Andrew
 > Haley:
 > > However, many application writers still use static
 > > linkage, and these application writers either don't know or don't care
 > > that various random things are going to fail if they continue to link
 > > statically.
 > Okay, I get the point that static linking is evil, but what
 > would then be the proper way to compile a application which
 > is able to run across multiple Linux distro's ?
 > The first thing that comes in my mind is bundling your
 > own shared libraries with the application, but for that to
 > work the LD_LIBRARY_PATH= hack is needed, which is also evil.

I read this a couple of times, and I still don't know what problem
you're referring to.  The usual technique is simply to provide a
wrapper script that sets up whatever environment is required and
exec's the application.


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