Using a custom DSDT with Fedora

Jos Vos jos at
Sun Oct 8 21:59:49 UTC 2006

On Sun, Oct 08, 2006 at 10:48:00PM +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:

> In my case LENOVO just isn't accessing the hardware in their code, they
> just fill the battery values with pre-defined constants. My modified
> DSDT actually reads from the hardware, so I'm pretty sure that can't be
> fixed with a kernel update. The changes to the DSDT are pretty large.

Right.  And in many (most?) cases the crappy stuff HW vendors deliver
(often due to a broken M$ compiler, IIRC) can't be seen as a kernel
bug at all.

So providing a facility to let users/administrators solve that problem
is not a bad thing.

Having said that, I think my ASUS DSDT battery problem is solved since
FC5 or so.

--    Jos Vos <jos at>
--    X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV   |   Phone: +31 20 6938364
--    Amsterdam, The Netherlands        |     Fax: +31 20 6948204

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