firefox.i386 in x86_64 repo

Jay Cliburn jacliburn at
Thu Sep 7 14:14:41 UTC 2006

Warren Togami wrote:
> Even if we decide to keep the i386 firefox (and I think we should), we 
> still have the messy issue of dealing with two launchers.  

I think most users will solve it by `yum remove firefox.x86_64`.  That's 
what I'll do until gcj, gnash, et al. catch up.

> Possible solutions... none of which are ideal.
> - Ship only i386, as that is the only useful arch.

This gets my vote.  And I agree with your usefulness opinion.  I've 
never (knowingly) needed a 64-bit browser[*].

Prior to reviving this thread last night, I used firefox.x86_64 with 
gnash-plugin just to see how it'd work.  The site I use to determine 
whether/how flash is working is . 
To my dismay, gnash never left the starting blocks, remaining stuck at 
"loading menu" or similar.  I'd file a BZ, but all it'd do is point the 
developer to yet another web site that doesn't work.  If that's the 
recommended tack, it won't be long before hundreds of similar BZs 


[*] It probably wouldn't be much of a stretch to say I've never needed a 
64-bit anything, but I've got a 64-bit cpu, so I'm going to run x86_64 
as a matter of principle.  I suspect many users feel the same. 
(Although 64-bit was probably faster than i386 would've been when I 
converted all those VHS-C home movies to DVD.)

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