Announcing Fedora 7 Test 4 (6.93)

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Mon Apr 30 16:15:41 UTC 2007

Jeremy Katz wrote:
> If that's the case, then we should *NEVER* provide defaults about
> anything.  Doing so means that we're not giving a neutral ground.  But
> that'll confuse our users?  Oh well, they're not important. </sarcasm>

Each of the spins have different defaults. In enabling different spins 
that's we took away the idea of defaults for Fedora as such. Is Abiword 
or the default word processor now? Is GNOME or KDE the 
default environment? It depends on which spin you download and use.

> Please, this is ridiculous.  We have to provide defaults and we have to
> do what we can *AS FEDORA* to have what we consider to be the best
> defaults and then guide users towards that. 

Yes but this is dependent on the spins now. This isn't purely on 
defaults though. This is about how position and message things.


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