packaging thunderbird and firefox extensions as RPM in Fedora

Christopher Aillon caillon at
Mon Apr 16 15:13:58 UTC 2007

Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> Christopher Aillon schrieb:
>> Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>  >
>>> this is a packaging related question, but fedora-devel in this case 
>>> is probably the better place than fedora-packaging for now (when it 
>>> comes to actual implemetaion details fedora-packaging probably is 
>>> better).
>>> Did anybody in recent times look into packaging thunderbird or 
>>> firefox extensions as RPMS in fedora? One of my desktops is a x86_64 
>>> machine and getting a proper enigmail for it sometimes is annoying 
>>> (¹). Caillion iirc in the past once said packaging extensions would 
>>> be possible with future versions of thunderbird and firefox. Are 
>>> thunderbird and firefox 2.0 (both in rawhide these days) those future 
>>> versions or do we have to wait until 3.0 for proper support? Or are 
>>> there any workarounds to somehow make it work now?
>> 3.0.  There's no maintainable way to make it work now without querying 
>> RPM in %post and requiring triggers.
> Hmmm, sounds bad :-/ Did anybody actually try how ugly that would look 
> like?

See beagle.  But I don't recommend anyone do this for other packages 
because it sometimes breaks, and the files get orphaned on the system.

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