packaging thunderbird and firefox extensions as RPM in Fedora

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at
Mon Apr 16 17:46:26 UTC 2007

Christopher Aillon <caillon at> writes:

>>> 3.0.  There's no maintainable way to make it work now without
>>> querying RPM in %post and requiring triggers.
>> Why is firefox packaged in such a broken way (versioned dirs under
>> /usr/lib)? I do not see any sense for such a layout on an rpm managed
>> system.
> ABI compatibility between versions is not guaranteed and does (and has
> in the past) change even on stable branches.

I do not see how this matters here. rpm knows enough ways to handle it:

* explicit 'Requires: firefox = ...' in binary plugins
* perhaps virtual provides to handle changes in firefox micro versions
* perhaps an XSL stylesheet which generates autodeps based upon the
  'minVersion' and 'maxVersion' values in 'install.rdf'

Nevertheless, all this should not be required for most extensions; I
package 15 ones and I had to adapt only the '/usr/lib/firefox-...' path
for every new firefox version.

> Additionally, the .so files are not versioned so we can't do dependencies
> that way.

Most extensions do not depend on .so files.

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