mock build failing sometimes

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at
Thu Aug 9 17:39:03 UTC 2007

> You're setting config_opts['macros'] to specify %_smp_mflags 
> somewhere. This is not a default option in mock.
> This results in the omission of the %_topdir macro definition that 
> mock includes in config_opts['macros'] by default, and that's what's 
> causing your build failure. 

And 101 points (1 for idea, 100 for patience) go to Paul Howarth. The 
problem{s] was/were
-%%_smp_mflags suddenly failing
- default value of config_opts needing to be preserved (and added to), 
rather then being replaced

Why the same settings do NOT fail in x86_64 builds (with identical wrong 
settings as for i386) still remain a mistery.

thanks, paul.

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