kqemu inclusion in kernel

Alan Cox alan at redhat.com
Fri Aug 3 14:34:04 UTC 2007

On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 03:02:37PM +0200, dragoran wrote:
> >>listen. There is no politics in the kernel, because kernel people are
> >>just not enganging in an discussion at all.
> >
> >Who even submitted these patches upstream to start engaging in a 
> >discussion?
> >
> in case of kqemu nobody... seems qemu upstream isn't really interessted 
> in doing this.

Simple observation: kqemu has not been discussed on the kernel list. This
is a public list so not a single person since the start of 2007 and maybe
before has raised it. That seems to make it less of a priority to the world
than some ancient 8bit ISA controller cards

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