Services automaticly change firewall rules to open access to themselfs.

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at
Mon Aug 20 19:04:21 UTC 2007

>>>>> "JBG" == Jóhann B Guðmundsson <johannbg at> writes:

JBG> Any thoughts on implementing automatically port opening for
JBG> service that need to open port access in the firewall as in when
JBG> service is started that needs port opening it would automatically
JBG> read some firewall.conf file for that and open the port
JBG> automatically according to those settings in the firewall.conf
JBG> file ( add the iptables rules automatically when the service is
JBG> started and remove those rules when the service is stopped )

This functionality is available already. You invoke it by doing
service iptables stop or rpm -e iptables.


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