how is pulseaudio supposed to work?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Fri Dec 14 09:12:24 UTC 2007

Le jeudi 13 décembre 2007 à 20:40 -0600, Callum Lerwick a écrit :
> On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 17:33 -0600, Callum Lerwick wrote:
> > I suppose I'll build me a package and see what happens...
> Okay, got it working but there's some problems. Quake 3 is very
> stuttery. 

I get massive stuttering in every pulseaudio-enabled app when trying to
read video streams from a pvr150 directly. It's so bad the video players
freeze while trying to sync audio and video after a few minutes, do not
recover and have to be killed.

The same applications perform flawlessly on the same system, even with
things like kernel builds or massive software sync in the background,
when configured to talk to alsa directly with no pulseaudio server

(The system is dual-core with variable cpu frequency, HPET, good audio
card, preempt hrt-timer kernel pretty much the perfect environment to do
good audio)

I read both 44k and 48k audio streams so setting an explicit snd_speed
setting is a no-go

Nicolas Mailhot
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