Smolt database is broken

Alan Cox alan at
Wed Dec 5 14:44:50 UTC 2007

On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 09:09:31AM -0500, Jon Masters wrote:
> > > (I'm a pescetarian FWIW, and didn't butcher any Turkeys)
> > Sounds fishy to me.
> I fed you a line, knew you'd bite.

It had a barb on it and I fancied a snipe. I shad have known better.

I hake to carry this on but I thougt I cod catch you floundering on your perch.
We betta move on. Eel be time to skate back to my plaice. Sole long..

You mean piscivore anyway, 'pescetarian' is just a new 'gotta be different'
word made up by people who didn't know the dictionary had a word for it already
and had for hundreds of years

> > > Was there any outcome on this in the end?
> > 
> > Just been resurrected on l/k
> Right. That was why I asked - I saw the thread, but it doesn't seem to
> have gone anywhere yet. I guess the kernel should not be returning UUIDs
> at all until there's sufficient entropy to do so. I'll ponder it.

Possibly. That still doesn't help us in our quest for unique system identifiers
however. If we simply don't have enough entropy then we may need to mix in
system specific bits but properly one way hashed (eg disc serial numbers)


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