Delays in package processing

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Fri Dec 21 18:59:06 UTC 2007

On Dec 21, 2007 9:51 AM, Jesse Keating <jkeating at> wrote:
> So I think you and Bill are accomplishing the same goal but with
> different steps involved.  The commonality here is that you and Bill
> can take that goal and given the knowledge of the software you're
> working with use the appropriate steps to achieve the goal.
> How can we express the goal itself, rather than the methodology one
> might use to meet that goal?  If we can express the goal, then we give
> maintainers the ability to determine how best to reach that goal with
> their own software.

Isn't the goal to maximize the ratio of potential benefit to potential
detriment with each update?  How do we help individual maintainers get
a good handle on that ratio? And how do we guage if there is a problem
in some area in the repository with regard to this goal?
It's pretty difficult to make a relative comparison from one software
stack to another for different components and know whose doing better
at keeping the ratio maximized.


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