A slight change to the freeze/release times

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Mon Feb 26 16:58:16 UTC 2007

Jesse Keating (jkeating at redhat.com) said: 
> So, for a proposal, I propose that we keep the current freeze day of Tuesday.  
> This allows for the general weekend/Monday clean up and final rush for the 
> freeze.  I propose that we move the anticipated release day to Wed/Thu, 
> leaving it somewhat vague.  We'd like to hit Wed, but more often than not it 
> may be Thu.  I just don't want to send a slip note every single time we miss 
> Wed.  I also propose that we "turn on" rawhide once we release the tree to 
> the mirrors.  This should be either Monday or Tuesday of the release week.  
> This keeps the time development is "stifled" short, while maximizing the 
> number of business days that we have to get the tree in shape in time for the 
> mirrors to sync, and adjusts the schedule to something a bit closer to 
> reality.

I think we still need actual release dates for test releases - having
'Wednesday or Thursday' just doesn't seem right to me. Aside from that,
looks OK.


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