Want to help QA the Test1 release?

Jane Dogalt jdogalt at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 25 22:19:57 UTC 2007

--- Jesse Keating <jkeating at redhat.com> wrote:

> We could really use it (:  I need to have a tree handed off by
> tomorrow in 
> order to meet the Tuesday release deadline.
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/7/Test1TreeTesting
> Start there and let us know! 

Ok, asside from the 'building iso sets' as '(todo)', which will no
doubt be done soon, I would like to pose this build question (I'll
subscribe to buildsys soon, I promise).

What part of the iso 'spin' process requires root, and why?  I've
skimmed enough mock docs to see that mock even has a root setuid hook. 
>From a 'philosophical' point of view, it seems like root really ought
not be needed by a program which inputs the development repo over the
net, and outputs iso images.

I am very serious about working to bring about a non-root
'spin'(/strain in my vernacular) process.  qemu is what I'm working
with now to accomplish this, and the performance is definitely adequate
for the hobbyist distro builder.  But of course qemu ought not be
necessary to accomplish this, unless I'm missing something.

I'd appreciate any commentary or pointers to relevent historical


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