State of diskless tools

Bernardo Innocenti bernie at
Sun Jan 28 15:13:23 UTC 2007

Hello Jason,

I've just posted a patch to update system-config-netboot to
generate initramfs images to bootstrap diskless clients:

I noticed that for the system-config-netboot component
there were several trivial bugs that have been open for several
momths without any activity going on.

The latest update of system-config-netboot has been on
Jun 2006.  Is this package still being actively maintained?

And, more importantly, is RedHat still interested in pushing
and supporting diskless clients in the next versions of RHEL?
I'm asking because, depending on the level of support we can
expect, I may have to recommend different solutions for the
IT department.

   // Bernardo Innocenti - Develer S.r.l., R&D dept.

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