Fedora 7 vs 6 installation

Jerry Williams jwilliam at xmission.com
Thu Jan 11 03:06:41 UTC 2007

I have been installing Fedora Core 6 on a few machines and I would like to
suggest some changes.
I should have been more involved with 6 and then maybe it would have been
So I am trying to get involved with 7 in the hopes that it will happen.

I think my biggest complaint about the 6 install is the time it takes to do
the package dependency check and that you have to click okay to start the

I would like to see maybe a check box to fix this.
That says: continue with install if everything it okay.
So you could check the box and walk away.

The other thing that kind of bugs me is the resolution that is used for the
display.  The default seems way high.
I am thinking that it would be better to start with 800x600 or 1024x768 and
then let the user bump it up it they would like.

I have had a few systems that it was all I could do to get into it to change
the resolution.

Other things that would be nice.

Be able to enter domain suffix search list at same time entering name
I would prefer to select selinux and firewall config up front.
And enter ntp info with the name servers.

Far out wish list:

Be able to do a headless install.
Put DVD in drive and a floppy with config or usb flash drive and have system
boot and look for files on floppy or usb flash drive for the config or maybe
use some network protocol to get the config information it needs.
So it would lay out the drive and set network and time config and root
password and maybe second account and do a basic install that would allow
you to remotely connect and add other packages.

I have also thought about doing more of a 2 pass install.
With 6 you pretty much install everything then reboot and do a few final

What happens if you make the first pass install very minimal and then have
the second pass do most of the work like updating packages.
Maybe you just get to chose KDE or Gnome and on the first pass.

I would also be nice to be able to clone a machine, maybe not totally, but
at least the packages.  Like run some command to create a file and then be
able to provide that file to another system to be installed.

And maybe some of these things exist now and I just need to learn about

Thanks for your time!

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