Fedora 8 Schedule

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Sat Jun 2 06:29:18 UTC 2007

On 01.06.2007 23:46, Benjamin Lewis wrote:
> dragoran wrote:
>> On 6/1/07, *David Nielsen* <david at lovesunix.net
>> <mailto:david at lovesunix.net>> wrote:
>> [...]
>>     For KDE4 to hit on the final devel freeze we are merely talking
>>     putting
>>     back the schedule by about a week which if we push Test3 devel
>>     freeze to
>>     the the 25th of September that would allow us to ship Test3 with KDE
>>     4.0-rc1 and GNOME 2.20 - I'm hoping that will provide helpful for
>>     getting testers to start using the release and we can accommodate both
>>     major releases in the final release.
>>     Cut dates would then be:
>>     September 19th - GNOME 2.20
>>     September 25th - KDE 4.0-rc1
>>     September 25th - Test3 devel freeze
>>     October 1st - Test3 release
>>     October 23th - KDE 4.0 final
>>     October 23th - Final devel freeze.
>>     November 7th - Final release
>>     - Is this insanity?
>>     - If I'm to understand Rex KDE packagers get the tarballs in time to
>>     make this?
>>     - can we live with doing freezes on a Tuesday instead of a Monday?
>>     And we'd be roughly on schedule with GNOME and KDE for F9
>>     following that
>>     considering a standard 6 month cycle.
>> +1
> +1

/me votes for the Fedora-Schedule as it is in the wiki and adjust that
in August / early September to the KDE 4.0 Schedule if it looks like KDE
4.0 will ship as scheduled.

KDE 4.0 is a big rework afaics. Especially those in my experiences from
the open source software world tend to slip quite often for weeks or
even months. That would be a major problem for Fedora then.

Or are you guys that voted for "+1" really 100% sure KDE 4.0 will be on
time? What is your backup plan if KDE 4.0 slips for one or two months?


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