Feature idea: package an installer image as a grub entry before F8.

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Tue Jun 5 22:04:42 UTC 2007

Colin Walters (walters at redhat.com) said: 
> On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 17:20 -0400, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> > And even if there wasn't _anything_ in the python 2.4 -> 2.5 transition,
> > that doesn't mean that there hasn't been in the past and won't be in the
> > future.  Why would we want to tie the hands of a project like that? 
> I was thinking the stack would just be one (Fedora) release back, not
> forever stuck.  In other words you couldn't directly upgrade FC4->FC6.
> If we made upgrades easy and reliable enough, there would likely be a
> lot fewer people who cared about skipping versions.

But it *is* already fairly easy and reliable. Heck, I did a FC5->F7
upgrade last week that worked fine.

I think some of it is that we've intentionally steered people away from
it when it's really not *that* bad.


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