updates-testing is not useful

Christopher Aillon caillon at redhat.com
Sat Jun 9 16:08:54 UTC 2007

Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Christopher Aillon <caillon <at> redhat.com> writes:
>> I could either provide the packages on other webspace i control and link 
>> to it in bugs, or say "Hi.  I built teh packages for you to test but you 
>> can't test them right now.  I don't really know when though cuz I can't 
>> control it.  Um, Real soon now!  Honest!  Keep checking.  lolz"
> You can link directly to the Koji build results. Just make sure you use http 
> links and not https, because last I checked the https refused to do anything 
> without a client certificate (which you and I have, but the average user 
> doesn't ;-) ).

I was told to not do this because we don't have the bandwidth.

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