Missing pkgs in F7!?

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Fri Jun 1 09:57:41 UTC 2007

On 01.06.2007 11:33, Oliver Falk wrote:
> - snort is missing in f7, but avail in -devel and fc6
> - openldap-servers missing in f7, but avail in -devel and fc6
> - bind-sdb missing in f7, but avail in -devel and fc6
> - net-snmp-utils missing in f7, but avail in -devel and fc6
> - stonith and heartbeat missing in f7, but avail in -devel and fc6
> That's all I stumbled across at the moment...
> Maybe it's a fault on my side (corrupt ISOs? I don't think so sha1sum-ed
> it). I also checked download.fedora.redhat.com and didn't find the pkgs.

Did you look in releases/7/Everything/${arch}/os/Fedora/ ? See for example:


(that's a German mirror, but should be there on
download.fedoraproject.org as well)


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