new libwnck make emerald fail to start

Ken YANG spng.yang at
Wed Jun 13 00:58:52 UTC 2007

Jarod Wilson wrote:
> Ken YANG wrote:
>> Jarod Wilson wrote:
>>> Jarod Wilson wrote:
>>>> Ken YANG wrote:
>>>>> hi,
>>>>> it seems that the update about beryl still has dependence error:
>>>>> Error: Missing Dependency: emerald-themes >= 0.2.1 is needed by package
>>>>> beryl-gnome
>>>>> Error: Missing Dependency: heliodor >= 0.2.1 is needed by package
>>>>> beryl-gnome
>>>>> Error: Missing Dependency: emerald >= 0.2.1 is needed by package beryl-gnome
>>>>> i wait several days for this bug fix, but these errors still be there.
>>>>> please correct me if i'm wrong
>>>> Nope, you're correct. I've not had time to deal with beryl, its rather
>>>> low-priority juxtaposed to a bunch of other stuff on my plate right now.
>>>> Patches welcome! ;)
>>> Patch is dead-simple, found a few cycles this afternoon to work on this.
>>> New builds are slowly working their way through the build system, should
>>> be available on mirrors sometime soonish (where "soonish" might be
>>> something between "tonight" and "this upcoming weekend"... :)
>> thanks for your work :-)
> No problem. Hopefully the last time I ever have to touch the beryl bits
> though... :)

:-) now i can update beryl through "yum update" without dependence error


>> by the way, the dependence error about revisor is still there:
>> Error: Missing Dependency: nash = 6.0.9-4 is needed by package
>> libbdevid-python
>> can you guide me who can i report this error to.
> The dependency error isn't revisor's fault, best as I can tell.
> Something is awry between nash and libbdevid-python there. Exactly what,
> I don't know, I don't work on those packages. Perhaps you should file a
> bug against libbdevid-python or nash.


today, the dependence errors about revisor also disappears

thanks "someone" who fix this bug :-)


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