Making beagle optional

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Tue May 15 05:50:04 UTC 2007

David Nielsen <david <at>> writes:
> Both I think needs more use cases outside of replacing the search
> dialog, something like Banshee or Rhythmbox could arrange their media
> libraries using this kind of technology. The fact is that this
> technology has been around for a while and yet nobody is really using it
> to make the desktop better. Hopefully this will change for F8.

Well, the plan is to ship KDE 4 in F8, and the KDE folks are working on 
supporting Strigi in some apps. But I don't know how work is going on the GNOME 
side, that probably also depends on whether Beagle or Tracker will end up as 
the "default" there.

I'm a bit worried about ending up with 2 or 3 different desktop search daemons 
autostarted by different apps. (Heck, personally, I don't even want _one_ 
search daemon autostarted, but users and use cases differ. ;-) )

        Kevin Kofler

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