[RFC] Make koji a complete rpmfind replacement

Nigel Jones dev at nigelj.com
Wed May 16 12:30:18 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Hi,
> With the rawhide sync down and packages stuck on various non-mirrored
> state I couldn't help noticing the retro rpmfind-ish experience of koji
> (go to the web site, select the right package letter, open the package
> info page, click on the download link, repeat for deps…)
> While I'm sure the yum repo situation will correct itself soon I
> couldn't help wondering if koji could not serve the same purpose as
> rpmfind for fly-by users (typically users of another distro/release
> version that just want to look at how something was done in Fedora X to
> provide feedback or adapt)
> Right now it only needs:
> 1. a search field
Well there is the search section (top menu bar)
> 2. resolving dependency links
> 3. displaying of rpm metadata 
Yes I agree on the 2nd two points, it'd be quite handy.

I also think having koji to show BR trees would be useful people can
then look at it and say "right if I rebuild libxyz now, rpmx rpmy and
rpmz need to be rebuilt, maybe I should contact those maintainers".

I have yet to really find a decent way for handling those sorts of issues.

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