can fedora has the animation grub like suse?

Alan Cox alan at
Thu May 24 23:11:45 UTC 2007

On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 03:50:16PM -0400, Adam Jackson wrote:
> > Please.  I never said that it should be the only way to boot into it. 
> > We could still do the hold a button thing, but that's not too discoverable.
> Which of the two major shipping OSes has a discoverable boot menu?

My washing machine doesn't need one. Oh wait you mean the fringe *PC* OS

Which of the two major shipping PC OSes doesn't have a cynical self centred
reason for making interoperability hard and for making dual booting as tricky
as possible, or defaulting to removing the other OS on install.

The policy is nothing to do with end users its everything to do with MONEY

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