gitweb performance of summary page

Florian La Roche laroche at
Sun Nov 11 10:51:49 UTC 2007

On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 12:29:54PM +0100, Florian La Roche wrote:
> Loading the summary page can still take quite some time
> as this server is also a Fedora mirror, so the overview
> page often needs to read in all data from disk.

For the summary page gitweb calls for each project the
external command:
    git for-each-ref --format=%(committer) --sort=-committerdate --count=1 refs/heads

If the data is not already cached, this adds quite some time until
the overview page is ready. While seeing the time of the last commit
is pretty nice, it should also not be really essential, so I have
just removed it for now. The right thing todo would be to cache this
time somehow intelligently. Even better is to read new patches
coming in via RSS instead of looking at the summary page.

> If anyone feels like hacking on gitweb: The main summary
> page only displays the time of last change as special info
> on the individual projects, so if that part would not call
> "git" as external app, then loading that page should be much
> less of a resource problem.

Resolved for me, but might wait for an even better patch.


Florian La Roche

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