Codec Buddy misleading.

Mark markg85 at
Mon Nov 12 11:46:37 UTC 2007

2007/11/12, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at>:
> Mark wrote:
> > Oke this discussion is getting big now.
> > Lets just draw a few conclusion here (of my own)
> >
> > Fedora is a distribution for everyone in the world right?
> > Codec buddy is "the" solution for the codec issue right?
> > Because Fedora is for the world Codec buddy should be as well and has
> > (my opinion) to be made for the world as well. not just US.
> Just in case, you haven't yet understood the issue, Fedora is not a
> separate legal entity. Red Hat is the legal entity behind Fedora and is
> legally bound by U.S laws and cannot ignore it.
> If you have a actual solutions to any problems, feel free to detail it.
> Otherwise, we are just going in circles here.
> Rahul

Well my solution would be to separate fedora from rad hat completely
and make it EU based or officially based in a country with no (nearly
no) patent stuff but i guess red hat isn't willing to do that.. Or
split it off with no home for Fedora at all. just only fans and
contributors without one actual location (that's how KDE works

Just one big global family ("sponsored" by red hat).

but i doubt that any of this will actually happen.

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