WTF? Inaccessible bug reports?

Olivier Galibert galibert at
Wed Nov 21 18:49:08 UTC 2007

On Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 12:02:09PM -0500, Colin Walters wrote:
> What this says to me is that we need to make it a more seamless
> experience for if you don't find something in the main menu, to get it
> installed.  We have the "Add/Remove Software" link but unfortunately
> it's based on packages which aren't the same thing as applications.
> There is work going on around this which might land in the Fedora 9
> timeframe.

You're thinking laptop again.  An add/remove software link is not
going to replicate the installation on all the machines that
particular person uses.  The desktops have a tendency to be X
terminals on steroids, and the real work is done on computers in racks
one or two stairs up[1].


[1] Yes, we have the main server room on {US 3rd|EU 2nd} floor.  Yes,
    I know.

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