WTF? Inaccessible bug reports?

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Wed Nov 21 19:03:34 UTC 2007

On Nov 21, 2007 9:49 AM, Olivier Galibert <galibert at> wrote:
> You're thinking laptop again.  An add/remove software link is not
> going to replicate the installation on all the machines that
> particular person uses.  The desktops have a tendency to be X
> terminals on steroids, and the real work is done on computers in racks
> one or two stairs up[1].

Question... can you dedicate one machine to run a local service that
helps you keep track of the packages installed across multiple
As in when someone acting as a local administrator on a desktop
installs something via Add/remove would you be willing to run a
central service that 'sees' those additional packages and adds that to
a aggregate list or database that you can then use to install the same
software on other machines which should have it?

Would that give you the sort of control you are looking for?
Individuals control their own desktop software and then new software
additions can propogate through to additional machines through a
central aggregate service which keeps track of who is installing what
on their desktops.


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