WIP VCS branch [Ad: Package Review VCS]

Lubomir Kundrak lkundrak at redhat.com
Fri Nov 30 12:43:14 UTC 2007


Warren's brilliant idea of a separate VCS for package reviews reminds me
of how the NetBSD/pkgsrc projects does this kind of things. They keep a
repository named pkgsrc-wip, which is basically a repository open for
anyone (with an account). It is where packages that are not
complete/finished/reviewed are.

One of its uses is package review -- new packagers just add their
packages here, ask for help on a dedicated list and when they feel the
package is finished, they ask for a review. This is how they learn to
package. It also encourages cooperation during packaging.

Other use is that packagers keep packages that are not finished in some
way. This is what we don't have and might be a nice thing to have:

Let's say a package is in alpha state, without a clear idea when would
it be relased and in very unfinished state. Considering that
devel/rawhide is place for things that are expected to be stable at the
time of release, it's not a good home for such packages. Currently
packagers just keep those packages in their private repositories.
Examples are KDE4, xulrunner, GRUB 2, etc. I think it would be
definitely better to have them in Fedora hosted VCS.

Lubomir Kundrak (Red Hat Security Response Team)

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