eclipse-egit orphaned

Ben Konrath bkonrath at
Wed Oct 31 17:17:46 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 11:31 -0400, Andrew Overholt wrote:
> * Anthony Green <green at> [2007-10-30 15:30]:
> > Ben Konrath wrote:
> >> Hi, I just orphaned the eclipse-egit package. Anybody interested is more
> >> than welcome to pick it up.
> >
> > I just installed it yesterday to try it out.  Are there any inherent 
> > problems with this package?
> Ben was telling me last week that it's still very much in development.
> There aren't a whole lot of GUI operations but one can import from a
> command line-checked out repository.  I really don't know much about it,
> though.

Yeah, that's about right. The biggest feature I think it's missing is
the ability to directly import from a git repo. Without this feature,
it's awkward to get started with projects hosted with git.

As far as the packaging goes, it's a fairly straight forward Eclipse
package. The only reason I orphaned it is because I'm going to have
limited access to the internet for the next 6 months and won't have time
to keep it updated.

Cheers, Ben

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