yum-updatesd in F8?

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Tue Oct 9 20:05:31 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 13:42 -0500, Alec T. Habig wrote:
> Luke Macken writes:
> > yum-updatesd has seen *significant* improvements since F7,
> > especially with memory usage.
> > 
> >      Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used       Program 
> >       6.6 MiB +   2.0 MiB =   8.6 MiB       yum-updatesd
> Also, if you're of the camp that thinks even this level of resource
> commitment is excessive, the old cron-script based method is now
> available as a package on its own, "yum-cron".  Handier for non-desktop
> or multi-user systems, but you lose the blinky gnome button.

Ultimately, I'd love to have yum-updatesd just activated via dbus system
activation, but periodic activation is still relatively important.  This
could be via cron, but cron is somewhat problematic for machines that
aren't always on :-/


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