Redesigning System Services (Re: My 2 cents on the whole Fedora to succeed as global wide deployed desktop are...)

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at
Tue Sep 4 22:33:09 UTC 2007

Martin Sourada wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 23:05 +0200, Stewart Adam wrote:
>> On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 10:45 -0400, Jeremy Katz wrote:
>>> Actually, the bigger problem is the concept that everything has to be a
>>> "system service run from an initscript".  To pick a specific case -- the
>>> fact that bluetooth daemons get started by an initscript as a service is
>>> really not what you want at this point.  You instead want them being
>>> started based on the existence of the hardware probably as a hal
>>> callout[1].
>> +1
>> The ideal solution would be to run bluetooth only when bluetooth
>> hardware is present, the same when applicable to all other services.
>> About the defaults - If/When should we reselect what will be the
>> defaults? I forget which release it was planned for, but I do remember
>> seeing a page on the Wiki at one point about disabling sendmail and the
>> rpc* services, but it never seemed to have happened. I think it would be
>> a good change to make for F8. A small one, but a change nonetheless.
>> Stewart
> We are past the feature freeze, I don't think this is possible... BUT.

As someone who was recently educated about this - remember, the feature 
freeze has nothing to do with keeping features out of F8 past the 
feature freeze deadline.  It *only* has to do with what features are 
going to be heavily marketed.

I was confused as well, thinking that the motivation for feature freeze 
had something to do with preventing de-stabalizing things from being 
added past the freeze.  That is what feature freeze means in many 
organizations.  Not so in fedora.  In fedora, de-stabalizing things 
cannot be added after devel-freeze.


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