Mono Package audit

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Thu Apr 10 17:46:13 UTC 2008

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 07:30:16PM +0200, David Nielsen wrote:
> For upstream to stop this behavior we could focus inward as well, they do
> this because they can't count on libraries being available, the slowness
> (and rather frightening absolute lack of progress most of the time) of our
> review process certainly does nothing to help that. We need to do better at
> this step, then the prebuilt issue will go away without any work. It is my
> experience that once upstream can count on the libraries being available
> they will use them. It's not an upstream problem, we are helping to cause
> it.

If the audit shows issue in mono packages in fedora that passed the reviews, 
then the reviews were too fast rather than too slow. 


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