Number 9, number 9. Fedora 9 Preview has been cleared for takeoff!

John Reiser jreiser at
Sat Apr 19 16:06:20 UTC 2008

> I got the image via bittorrent and it appears to check out:
>         $ sha1sum -c SHA1SUM 
>         Fedora-9-Preview-x86_64-DVD.iso: OK
> Yet I seem to have made two coasters with this so far.
> When I attempted to burn the image using Brasero, it told me the DVD-R
> wasn't big enough. K3b writes the image, but upon verification says it
> can't find any tracks. And I'm not able to mount the disc.

Can you loopback mount the .iso file?
    mkdir -p /mnt/tmp1
    mount -o ro,loop Fedora-9-Preview-x86_64-DVD.iso /mnt/tmp1
    ls /mnt/tmp1

The .iso is more than 2**32 bytes in size; 0x10bb1a000 to be exact:
     4491157504  Fedora-9-Preview-x86_64-DVD.iso
This suggests a bug (not using 'long long' in enough places when
talking about .iso size) in the programs you used.


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