Summary of the 2008-04-22 Packaging Committee meeting

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Wed Apr 23 20:21:26 UTC 2008

Meeting minutes and full logs of the packaging committee meeting which
occurred on 2008-XXX are online:

Executive summary:

The following drafts are now official guidelines, having been accepted
by FESCO last week:

 * No packages may own files or dirs in /srv:

 * Build GCJ AOT bits conditionally

These should be written into the guidelines soon if this hasn't
already been done by the time you read this.

Issues pending FESCO ratification:

 * Sugar Activity guidelines
  * This was discussed last week but tabled.  It returns for a vote.
  * Accepted (7 - 0)
  * Voting for: tibbs spot rdieter hansg SmootherFrOgZ delero

* Static Library packaging tweaks
  * A new draft this week which modifies the existing guidelines
  * Accepted (7 - 0)
  * Voting for: spot delero hansg SmootherFrOgZ Rathann tibbs rdieter
  * Note that one particularly odd case (allegro) was discussed and a
    vote was held to grant it an exception which passed with the
    following voting for:
      Rathann spot tibbs hansg rdieter

Misc business:

 * Javascript packaging guidelines
  * If you have experience with javascript, please assist us in coming
    up with a usable set of guidelines.

 * Discussions about possibly moving the meeting time to account for
   DST will happen on-list.

 - J<

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