How to downgrade Fedora to previous release?

Christopher Aillon caillon at
Mon Apr 28 02:38:38 UTC 2008

On 04/27/2008 10:01 AM, Peter Lemenkov wrote:
> Summarizing things - I shouting that bugzilla in no way a suitable
> solution for filling bugs for users then they are don't know anything
> about internals of issue. More to say - they must look at the Bugzilla
> as a Labyrinth designed for hiding the solutions within.

This will not help your current situation, but if you consider yourself 
a user that is unable to handle the case where things break, I'd suggest 
trying a LiveCD next time.  It let's you try the distro _before_ you 
install.  If things don't work, simply don't install it (and file bugs 
if you can).  If the LiveCD works fine, there is an option to install to 
the harddrive.

Hope others can help resolve your issues.

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